Bedern Hall York, England


Bedern Hall was originally part of the College of the Vicars Choral, located on the northwest side of Goodramgate. It was founded in the mid-thirteenth century. Bedern can be translated as ‘prayer house'. Excavations show that Bedern College was originally built around a central courtyard. 


The hall was built around 1370 and measures 13.9 x9.2 meters or 45 x 30 feet. Dendrochronology has been carried out on the roof timbers and shows that the trees for the roof were felled between 1369 and 1370. 


Light would enter the great hall by the three large windows on each long wall. The windows are of unusual design based on a cross. 


The hall itself is rarely open to the public but public events are run here and sometimes tea can be had in the courtyard. It can also be hired for private events including weddings.