Mains Castle, Scotland


Mains Castle has also been known as Claverhouse Castle, and Fintry Castle. It dates primarily from the 16th Century, although parts of an earlier 15th Century castle have been incorporated. Its square tower is six stories tall, but it was extended upwards in the early 17th Century, when the corbelled level at the top was added. The ranges of buildings form three sides of the small courtyard, the last being completed by a high wall and parapet.


The estate originally belonged to the Stewarts, and then passed to the Douglas family, Earls of Angus, in the 14th Century. The lands passed to the Grahams in 1530 and they built the present castle.   There is a date of 1562 over the doorway. The castle was restored in the 1980’s by the Dundee District Council, who still own it today. It is currently leased to a couple that hire it out as a wedding venue, but it is not otherwise open to the public.