Nunney Castle South West England


At the time the Doomsday book was written there was a manor house at Nunney belonging to William De Mohun.  By the 14th century the manor belonged to Sir John De la Mere who had fought with the Black Prince in the Hundred Years War. After returning he applied to Edward III for a license to crenellate or to create defenses on his land. He then began the building of Nunney Castle.


What we see at Nunney today, while it looks like a small castle, it is actually more like a tower house, which is surrounded by a moat. The moat would have originally come right up to the castle walls.


Alterations were made in the 16th century and the windows were enlarged at this time.


The castle is located at the bottom of a valley and not a defensible location so it may have been built more for status than defense.