Yrpes Tower/Rye Castle South East England

Rye_Castle_ england

Rye Castle also known as Ypres Tower, there seems to be uncertainty as to exactly when it dates from and if it is 13th or 14th century.  Either way it was part of the town’s defences and may never actually have been part of a castle. It is however the oldest building in Rye after the church.

It was probably built as a defence against French attacks.  King Henry III did order a castle to be built at Rye but it is not certain that a castle ever was.  Instead we are left with something not quite a castle and not quite a tower.  It is an almost unique combination of the two, and something not often seen in this design.

Despite this tower the French did attach and burnt the town in 1377 stealing the church bells and killing citizens. Only the stone buildings survived that attack.

The building now houses a small museum